Institut Pasteur de São Paulo




Biosafety: one of the pillars of IPSP

Biosafety is one of the pillars of the Institut Pasteur in São Paulo (IPSP). This concept is systematically applied at IPSP through training and strict adherence to standards. The aim, therefore, is to promote the safety of professionals involved in research activities, avoiding risks to human health and the environment when handling chemical and biological agents.

All professionals who work at IPSP follow a series of requirements established by the Internal Biosafety Commission, such as: being fully vaccinated; obtaining a medical fitness certificate provided by an occupational doctor; carrying out periodic medical tests; following the procedures indicated in the Biosafety Manual and participating in training courses offered by the commission. Periodically, simulations are also carried out to check whether the concepts taught in the courses have been assimilated by the professionals.

These are actions aimed at consolidating a culture of biosafety, so that researchers and technicians can identify and report risks and act promptly in the event of accidents.

Internal Biosafety Committee: Prof. Dr. Edison Luiz Durigon

Legislation and standards